Counter Gästebuch/Guestbook

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Gästebuch Guestbook

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Lieber Besucher meiner Infoseite!

Ich freue mich immer über Feedback und Tips zur weiteren Verbesserung, drum schreibt recht fleissig in mein


Einträge lesen + hinzufügen


I would really be happy to get feedback and ideas on optimizing of this site!

If you want to inscribe in my guestbook,

    Open the form by clicking on this link :

Open Guestbook
Below on the right hand side you will find underlined “Eintragen” . Please press this button

There you have to put in the open fields (beginning from top):

    • Name
    • Herkunft/Location (optional)
    • Email (if wanted)
    • Homepage (if wanted)
    • Your inscription
  • figures and letters shown in the picture on the left side.

The tab “Eintrag abschicken” below means “send”

The tab “Eintrag löschen” below means “delete”